
Showing posts from September, 2008

500 Cunterific Words From The One The Only Mr. Mxyzptlk

Cuntless hours of interviews in small town Alaska. Muntains of documents to review. Yes, the vetting process McCunt’s staff undertook for Sarah Palin was thorough. The dubious demagogues of Democrat say it was a choice made in haste after McCunt was told he couldn’t go with Labiaman or Rigid. But McCunt licked his finger and raised it high to see how the wind blew, and that blow job told him to go north to Alaska. Alas the long nights make abstinence hard for a teenage girl. Sadly, it never occurred to her that as the daughter of the freakin’ Governor, this would not be a private matter. But not to worry, the Governor does not believe in the right to privacy. She, like McCunt, believes it is their right to enter your bedroom. If only they brought klieg lights and a camera. “Mommy,” said, Tigger, “I cunt have this baby.” But Governor Mommy told l’il Tigger it was her burden to bear, as they sat on the bear hide sofa. “You must marry Levi, he’s a nice Jewish boy,” said Governor Mommy. Me...

Join the Planned Parenthood Action Fund!

Courtesy of my good friend, Bubbsie , he posted this article , Using Sarah Palin for Fundraising, Planned Parenthood Nets $760k in Donations in comments. I dragged my ass to the Planned Parenthood Action Fund to donate. You can donate as little as $5! If you missed it, read the Life begins at rape... just ask Sarah Palin yarn . HelenWheels just posted a kick ass yarn about "Mooselini's" shotgun wedding here . JDC just launched a poliblog here . And Frannygirl alerted us to this dish Sarah Palin's 1984 Miss Alaska Pageant Video, Swimsuit Competition . ((UPDATE)) Unrelated, but probably the most shocking thing I've read in a long time: by Keep it Trill Chasing HIV for Benefits . Run. Read. Now.

Life Begins at Rape... Ask Mayor Sarah Palin

The article below is supposedly responsible for a fabulous new movement online: Donating to Planned Parenthood in Sarah Palin's name. I read about it via a friend on Facebook and from my girl FreidaBee . To me, this idea is brilliant, hilarious and sick on every level, so, of course I love the idea. Hello, do you know me?! Anywho, the scandalicious article I found below was written by a dame who was so outraged by Palin when she was Mayor of Wasilla for not only charging women for rape kits, but also making it illegal to purchase the Grindhouse rape doll. As if that's a value-add for women who have been raped. What's next from Cunterella Palin, paying filing fees for restraining orders against stalkers? Peeping Toms? Or paying an additional fee for protection if a restraining order has been violated? How else would this misogynistic cunt like to abuse women? Life Begins at Rape... Ask Mayor Sarah Palin By Shannyn Moore Can you imagine having to pay for the CSI (crime scene...

Where Palinoscopy Exemplifies Fucktardaree

My favorite line is "I'll try to find ya some, and bring em' to ya". Wait, she was being facetious when she said she stands for democracy AND freedom, right? I mean, right?! Loved her response to the passport Q, "The way I have understood the world is through education." Her stupidity is surreal. "Putin, where's his head?" with a hand wave. Fab. PS: Only three more days to vote for Frannygirl's cuntalicious essay ! Leave your vote in comments , please. Grazarella. Loving...

The Great Schlep

The Great Schlep from The Great Schlep on Vimeo . The Great Schlep "The Great Schlep aims to have Jewish grandchildren visit their grandparents in Florida, educate them about Obama, and therefore swing the crucial Florida vote in his favor. Don't have grandparents in Florida? Not Jewish? No problem! You can still become a schlepper and make change happen in 2008, simply by talking to your relatives about Obama". Hit The Great Schlep for details, yo! Don't forget to check out . PS: Regarding the debates, Obama is right , they absolutely must go on!

And to think I didn't know what to post

Thanks to my brother Nick, I now have something to post! Grazarella Nick. Loving. Mastercard: Official Card Of The 2nd Depression - Watch more free videos PS: Don't forget to vote on Frannygirl's essay . The winner of September's contest will be announced on October 1st, 2008. The first essay of October will be posted on September 29th. I know. I know. I know. Technically it's still September. Don't hock. Loving....

I Cunt and I Won't, A Yarn by FranICuntilyAm

While I have a big fucking potty mouth, using the word cunt does not come easily to me. When it comes to that word, I think - I cunt, I won't! However now how can I not use it? My mind thinks I cunt, but my heart knows otherwise - yes it can. Yes it cunt. Se si puede, cuntilicious style. I got to thinking about all the cunty candidate issues with this whole fucking cunt of an election. Obama and Biden are cunt free. That is sad because a cunt would be great on the Dem ticket. But no. And I mean a good cunt- like a cuntastic one. Bad cunts are everywhere in politics. Cuntileeza Rice comes to mind. Kay Bailey Cuntison is another Republican bad cunt. There is Michele Bachman. No cunt in her name but she is cuntiest of all cuntdom in many ways. This cunt go on. Let me make my cuntpoint so we can all move on to whatever cunt-ventures await us. Personally, I was thinking of booking a trip to see the Valley of the Cunts. Where is that? Oh how about right between Coco's legs? That plac...

New Millennium Depression

If we find ourselves in a Depression, like the Great Depression of 1929 , what will life look like? What will be the plan? Will there be looting? Will homelessness increase? Will senior citizens and individuals who rely on government income and housing be turfed? Will I still have to pay my debt to the IRS? Will I even be able to buy stamps? Will there be vegan and gluten free friendly lines? What about vegetarian soup kitchens? Will we be hunting and skinning chickens and drinking unpasteurized milk from the nipples of cows? What will we wear? Will we be homeless chic? Will the Internet still be accessible and if so, from where? How will I get my prescriptions filled? Will pharmacists be a thing of the past? Will I get food stamps? How will they be delivered if the building I’m living in is foreclosed? Will I be kicked out, or will I be slumming it? Will there be enough water to shower? If so, how frequently? If I wanted to sell my worldly possessions, who will I sell them to? Will I ...

Last Day to Vote!

Shalomers Lovers. Today is the last day to vote on JDC's essay Sometimes I want to call Cindy McCain a Cunt, Too . Leave your vote in comments here . This is a damn close race, folks. Damn close. Those Bojamacakes are calling. Tomorrow, I will be posting my girl Frannylish's yarn . I have two more spaces left in October, peeps. Estalk me your yarns, videos, audio clips, whatever you wish. I'm all eyes and ears.

Five Scandalicious PoliQ Meems

First, this kick ass image is courtesy of @ JPostman on Twitter, social networking guru and author . Thank you, J. Second, THANK YOU to every blogger who participated in the poliQ Meem. So far, we are up to 18 (as far as I know). I'm kvellarella. I am hoping this week, we can hit 20! Spill the beans and viral ate this meem. Ooh, I think I'm happy with viral ate as a new made up word. Thoughts? Love? Hate? Maybe? The more we discuss the issues in this forum, the more I hope we sway moderates and independents, even libertarians fencing and wondering why they should bother voting. Every poli blogger who posted the poliQ Meem here , here , here and here not only shared their personal point of view, but maintained extraordinary objectivity and presented honest, insightful facts about the economy -- especially -- where we're headed if another republican is elected into office. And how much the middle and working class have suffered during the past eight-years. Can we really...

Flawless PoliQs if I do Say so myself

I am in PoliQ bliss right now and in awe of FreidaBee and Randal. They have truly outdone themselves. Wait until you read what these two have cooked up. They are so in the loop politically and so damn smart and savvy. FreidaBee's PoliQ . First of all, FreidaBee is one of my favey dames. I adore this woman. She's not typical, and not someone you can compartmentalize or categorize. She is her own woman through and through. Her brutal honesty is as alarming as it is exquisite. FreidaB wrote from a very personal perspective about the environment, health care, economic equality, ending the war, eliminating the death penalty and preserving a woman's right to choice. Excellent points all around, especially these quotables, " End the War- Yesterday. Try Bush, et. al for crimes against humanity, please. I think killing is wrong. (Plus, quick look over at the counter over there in the sidebar. We've paid and gone into debt $555 trillion to do this murdering.) " And ...

Palin: wrong woman, wrong message, By Gloria Steinem

Found on my girl PlainsFeminist' blog, a Gloria Steinem essay in the LA Times that you must, must, must read. Below are a few excerpts. Palin's value to those patriarchs is clear: She opposes just about every issue that women support by a majority or plurality. She believes that creationism should be taught in public schools but disbelieves global warming; she opposes gun control but supports government control of women's wombs; she opposes stem cell research but approves "abstinence-only" programs, which increase unwanted births, sexually transmitted diseases and abortions; she tried to use taxpayers' millions for a state program to shoot wolves from the air but didn't spend enough money to fix a state school system with the lowest high-school graduation rate in the nation; she runs with a candidate who opposes the Fair Pay Act but supports $500 million in subsidies for a natural gas pipeline across Alaska; she supports drilling in the Arctic National Wi...

Coco Has a New Magazine

Courtesy of my good friend, JDC , who also penned this magnificent essay Sometimes I want to call Cindy McCain a Cunt, Too (remember voting ends tomorrow, Sunday! Run. Read. Vote. Now ), sent me a Coco link. Anyone who reads The Vey knows how hard I OCD about Coco and her lipantics. Guess what?!?!? Our girl is starting her own magazine . Are you wondering what the name of it is? I bet you are, aren't you? I'm sure you'll be shocked to find out, too. The name is so, well, like nothing you'd ever imagine. She chose a unique name, really she did. Our girl is very, very, very clever. Click here to find out and then come back. In true form, Coco has even given us a pictorial sneak peak of what's to come in the first issue. I wonder if they're looking for writers. Gee, I'd be fabulous . You disagree?

PoliQs Meem

Shalom Loverdeedo's. So. I've been thinking... Many of the finest polibloggers out there have participated in this meemish (THANK YOU!) I'd love to see it going until the election. I think it gives us an opportunity to sway voters on the fence, like independents and moderate republicans. You've all tabled important issues and put so much thought and passion into your answers. Please help me keep it going! Anyone who participates, drop me a lil' e-stalk and I will post about it like I did here and here . PoliQ's below: 1) What is your name (nickname, whatever you're comfortable sharing), your age (range), gender, occupation, income bracket (range), how you identify (gay/straight/whatever)? Married/Single/Divorced? Kids (how many)? 2) What are the most important issues to you in this presidential election and why? 3) Why do you think voters should vote for Obama/Biden, what differentiates this ticket from McCain/Palin? 4) If McCain/Palin wins this election, wh...

Which One A Youse Lives in Omaha?!

Author of one of the most brilliant novels I have ever read, Three Fallen Women , Amy Guth , also one of my favorite people evah , is going to be at the Downtown Omaha Lit Fest this weekend. Read all about it here . Throughout the weekend, there will be events, writerly panel discussions, readings and so much more. Hit it, yo! Treat yourself to a weekend of literary loveliness. Please, how perfectly flawless. Run. Go. Now.

Ask Your TV Stations Why You Didn't See The Biggest Rally in Alaska?!

This is awesome! Just sent via email. The Alaska Women Reject Palin rally was to be held outside on the lawn in front of the Loussac Library in midtown Anchorage. Homemade signs were encouraged, and the idea was to make a statement that Sarah Palin does not speak for all Alaska women, or men. I had no idea what to expect. The rally was organized by a small group of women, talking over coffee. It made me wonder what other things have sta rted with small groups of women talking over coffee. It's probably an impressive list. These women hatched the plan, printed up flyers, posted them around town, and sent notices to local media outlets. One of those media outlets was KBYR radio, home of Eddie Burke, a long-time uber-conservative Anchorage talk show host. Turns out that Eddie Burke not only announced the rally, but called the people who planned to attend the rally 'a bunch of socialist baby-killing maggots,' and read the home phone numbers of the organizers aloud over the air,...

Dish and That

Free Republic ... my ass . Check out that link, seriously. Lipstick republican women for Palin. What these women are talking about is so disturbing, "My husband thinks she's hot." "She doesn't have cankles". "Love her!" "I just ordered dozens of lipstick republican t-shirts for my daughters." "I love her hair". "Those glasses are soooo cute." Not one woman addressed her politics, not one. Insult to injury, they regard her as the new feminist . I'm deeply offended that a woman advocates throwing us back 50-years, is against equal pay, opposed to a woman's right to choice and supports book banning. If you can stomach it, check out the link . If, if, if you can stomach it because you will be super neesh after reading it. In case you missed it on some other blogs, you must read this article found on Acts of Hope regarding White Privilege . Rolling Stone wrote a scanadlicious article about the Stolen Election of 20...

More Brilliant PoliQs, I'm Kvelling!

What a grand blogging day today was, just like yesterday. I was introduced to 4 new bloggers who answered the PoliQs flawlessly. My Saturday Evening Post is brilliance and sarcasm at it's finest. Pushing Fifty Gently 's POV from Canada was awesome. I'd love to see more people in other countries participate in the PoliQ. I am so looking forward to getting to know her delicious bloggy blog. Thailand Girl addressed concerns about foreign affairs with a slew of quotables. Little Merry Sunshine dished up fierce facts and a fast talkin' (writing) personality. A blog of note that we all know and love is Bubbsie's , who tossed out so many pearls of wisdom, I'm still reeling. Bubbsie is the author of Sprawling Ramshackle Compound and my good friend, a truly amazing mensch with a heart, and family spun of gold, answered from the exquisitely personal, to the brilliantly objective. Lots of important facts and links. Callbacks to the past and what middle class Americans on...

PoliQs Of Great Importance From 5 Great Women!

I could not be more in love with FranIAm , DCup , ImpeachmentAndOtherDreams , HelenWheels and DivaJood , five brilliant women, than I am right now in this moment. I am so proud of each of these dames and admire their moxie so hard . Eloquently parsing fact from fiction, expressing their disdain with the Bush regime while articulating their views about why we should vote for Obama Biden and sharing how the past eight-years have impacted their lives personally and professionally. You have got to read what they've written. Speaking for myself, every literary morsel took my wig off, made me think and taught me something new about each politician that I am grateful for. These broads KICK MOTHAH FUCKIN ASS. Run. Read. Now. Here's the dish: DCup of Politits , my sweet, open-minded friend and blogger spoke at length about the economy and the war. The important separation of church and state. Our loss of civil liberties and how much worse it will get should McCunt and Palin make it into...

What PoliQ You Ask?

I asked a few heavy hitting political bloggers from all walks of life to answer some poliQ's about why they're voting for Obama/Biden, issues of concern for them, a bit about their background, etc. One of the bloggers, a favorite of mine, actually is MonkeyMucker . As you know, he's deeply passionate about politics, especially this election and his been blogging a lot of important issues that we need to know about. Please, please, please check out his answers to the PoliQ , they took my wig off, yo. Some of what he said regarding economics realllllly struck a chord. -- After yas finish, don't forget to come back and read Lewchie's magnifique essay and vote ! He's already logged one vote and I just posted it today. Daaaayyyyymmmm. Kid's good.

Sometimes I Want to Call Cindy McCain A Cunt Too

One has to wonder what McCain will call his new Vice-President choice Sarah Palin when he inevitably loses his cool with her? Surely it couldn’t be “shithead”, “asshole”, or “fucking jerk” like he has referred to his fellow congressmen. He respects and works with these men every day. They work together to shape our lives and the future of America. There is an unimagined level of camaraderie and respect between these political gentlemen and women. No, this is just the kind of behavior real men show. Real men often call each other names that are the complete opposite of what they think. Real men jokingly refer to their friends as “fags”, “queer”, and “dickface” all the time. This man was a POW - as he takes every opportunity to remind us. Real men make hard decisions every day. For example, McCain realized he was deeply in love with Cindy Lou Hensley and made the difficult choice to end his marriage of fourteen years. It takes a strong man to realize when something is wrong and to make i...

Tina Fey and Amy Poehler on SNL

We all saw this, yes? If not, it's entirely too flawless not to pass along....

Too Delicious Not to Pass Along

Just got this via email, Obama vs. Palin & McCunt. I'm a little confused. Let me see if I have this straight..... If you grow up in Hawaii, raised by your grandparents, you're "exotic, different."? Grow up in Alaska eating mooseburgers, a quintessential American story? If your name is Barack you're a radical, unpatriotic Muslim? Name your kids Willow, Trig and Track, you're a maverick? Graduate from Harvard law School and you are unstable? Attend 5 different small colleges before graduating, you're well grounded? If you spend 3 years as a community organizer, become the first black President of the Harvard Law Review, create a voter registration drive that registers 150,000 new voters, spend 12 years as a Constitutional Law professor, spend 8 years as a State Senator representing a district with over 750,000 people, become chairman of the state Senate's Health and Human Services committee, spend 4 years in the United States Senate representing a s...