500 Cunterific Words From The One The Only Mr. Mxyzptlk

Cuntless hours of interviews in small town Alaska. Muntains of documents to review. Yes, the vetting process McCunt’s staff undertook for Sarah Palin was thorough. The dubious demagogues of Democrat say it was a choice made in haste after McCunt was told he couldn’t go with Labiaman or Rigid. But McCunt licked his finger and raised it high to see how the wind blew, and that blow job told him to go north to Alaska. Alas the long nights make abstinence hard for a teenage girl. Sadly, it never occurred to her that as the daughter of the freakin’ Governor, this would not be a private matter. But not to worry, the Governor does not believe in the right to privacy. She, like McCunt, believes it is their right to enter your bedroom. If only they brought klieg lights and a camera. “Mommy,” said, Tigger, “I cunt have this baby.” But Governor Mommy told l’il Tigger it was her burden to bear, as they sat on the bear hide sofa. “You must marry Levi, he’s a nice Jewish boy,” said Governor Mommy. Me...