Flawless PoliQs if I do Say so myself

I am in PoliQ bliss right now and in awe of FreidaBee and Randal. They have truly outdone themselves. Wait until you read what these two have cooked up. They are so in the loop politically and so damn smart and savvy. FreidaBee's PoliQ . First of all, FreidaBee is one of my favey dames. I adore this woman. She's not typical, and not someone you can compartmentalize or categorize. She is her own woman through and through. Her brutal honesty is as alarming as it is exquisite. FreidaB wrote from a very personal perspective about the environment, health care, economic equality, ending the war, eliminating the death penalty and preserving a woman's right to choice. Excellent points all around, especially these quotables, " End the War- Yesterday. Try Bush, et. al for crimes against humanity, please. I think killing is wrong. (Plus, quick look over at the counter over there in the sidebar. We've paid and gone into debt $555 trillion to do this murdering.) " And ...