
Showing posts from April 22, 2008

The Most Brilliant Paragraph Evah

By way of Guthy , I found Lauren Cerand 's very New-York-literary-fabulous blog and an interview about her , and that's how I found the paragraph in : Women of the Beat Generation , a book I'd never read, though something I have been searching for. Today, it arrived and I am devouring it. I'm 50 pages into it and can't put it down. I'm savoring every word. It's all brilliant, one of the paragraphs is without a doubt the most brilliant I've ever read: "In many ways, women of the Beat were cut from the same cloth as the men: fearless, angry, high risk, too smart, restless, highly irregular. They took chances, made mistakes, made poetry, made love, made history. Women of the Beat weren't afraid to get dirty. They were compassionate, careless, charismatic, marching to a different drummer, out of step. Muses who birthed a poetry so raw and new and full of power that it changed the world. Writers whose words weave spells, whose stories bind, whose vi...

In The News

From this article, Polygamist Women , I read the below two snippets and laughed my ass off. In fact, I do believe these could be the most hilarious things I've ever read in my life: Polygamist Women Set Their Own Style, Celebrity stylist Ted Gibson said the women's unique hairdo gives off a "homely" impression. "It says 'I don't really care very much. I really don't have time to worry about the way that I look, because I have 20 children,'" he said. "He's going from wife to wife to wife, so why should I look any better than the other ones?" The idea of a celebrity stylist being called to comment on polygamist fashion is as obscene as what's next, a reality makeover show. And we all know it's right around the corner. I predict Lips Rinna will host with Carson (from Queer Eye for the Straight Guy). Anyway, it seems to me that if anyone was called to comment on polyfashionistas, it should've been students of polygamy...