
Showing posts from August 21, 2007

pre-jhush digs

post kid, semi-jhushed digs. front door. lr. hall into the kitch. see the red doors. behind the red doors is a fabu bed-room. that was the kid's favorite couch. he loved to sit and watch the world go by. I wish I had a picture of that, but I don't. I would love to berate myself for that. I think I'll save that for later. that will be my quality time for the day. I know the walls need a jhush. I know. the kid's view... hall. are you new? more hall. love halls. closet. every girl needs one... batchroom. as you can see there is a heating pad for the lower back. why? cramps galore, people. cramps galore. gaza strip is in full swing. kitchen. often where we dish. more kitchen. the final pic is... you guessed it, the kitchen. when I'm back in jhush mode, I'll post more pickys. until then, this is a jhush free zone and that's ok. do not forget to visit Guthy's Jewcy Post of the Day and Sensu's 60s Sex Yarn .

Run. Read. Now.

Amy Guth is blogging every day this week at Jewcy . As we approach the High Holidays, feast on Guthy's Introspective Jewey, and YES, universal nosh. Her first post, Get Confident, Stupid ! is a sumptuous and challenging post... Less is more . Cause and effect . Run. Read. Now . Loved it. Go. Ooh-Ooh comment, too. Al Sensu has written such an endearing and sexy essay about his first time called " My Slum Goddess " that is so divine. Run. Read. Now. You will love it. It takes place in The Village and it is soooooooo 60s, yo. Tell him how much you love it. Ga-head .