nothing says love like two hot beverages. I love ice-t. I think he's amazingly talented. that, and he's fearless. on that note, let's get cunty, shall we?! when I look at this picture and every other ice-t and coco image online, like, coco's cavernous taco , or coco's fishnet dress , or ice claiming ownership of coco's beav , as a JUST IN CASE. or coco and ice-t in matching pink ensembles , I think to myself, when does coco get time to menstruate? when I'm on the rag, you won't catch me in a flange outlined ass hugging pair of shorts or going braless. my nipples would be on fire in any one of the net mock-tops coco sports. t doesn't feel like he fucks a menstruating dame either, so you'd probably have to take that once a quarter menstrual shot to be his ho. when does coco get down time... you know, away from ice's cock. does she ever have the luxury of eating or not being perfectly groomed every fucking minute of every day?! in a way, co...