
Showing posts from June 19, 2007

suck my dick you wretched whore

I bought some new chach on ebay. I'm on a syroco sconce tear at the minee. (I'll post pickys of my digs and it will all make sense). anyhoo.... this afternoon my box came (ooh. go, schwartzy) and when I opened it, what didn't this cunt use to ship my package?!?!?! plastic meat containers for chicken, pork and beef from "the walmart". USED styrofoam cups. pubic hair. ashes and a few gpc ciggy butts and the stench of DEATH and ASS. I dumped the whole thing and cloroxed the counter to death. snatch. I sent her a strongly worded email and told her to refund my money asap. WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE?!?!?!

I got nuttin

I am out of blog dish. I got nuttin' interesting. bubs asked me to elaborate on the douche yarn . here yas go. after I told pershina she wasn't getting inside my box, she told me I was immature and irrational. me?! nervey enough. I said, you're from a very conservative country (I had to be diplomatic. I couldn't say ass backwards. wanted to, but didn't). I can't imagine it's acceptable for you to be handling my vagina. I kid you not, she ripped the cookie that was dangling from my lips out of my mouth and ordered me out of her house. cunt. I ran into her about a year later at bank of america. she said, I recognize you. where do I know you from? I couldn't help myself... I wanted to rent your apartment, but you refused to rent it to me because I wouldn't let you douche me. she ran out of there faster than time. (get it)? I got nuttin. I was tellin' guthy the other day about my naybah and her new fuck toy b artholomew . I have a serious issue wit...