Jewgirl Gets Hate Mail

This is what I woke up to on Saturday Morning: From: PaganSinner Sent: Saturday, October 27, 2007 12:19 AM To: Subject: Holy Shit...another fuckin' FAT ASS ACLU LOVING LIBERAL LOSER I WAS REJECTED BY EVERY IVEY LEAGUE KYKE BITCH writing her self-important JEW blog on the internet. What a fuckin' shock... Go blow a nigger and watch holocaust films WISHING you were a tall THIN Anglo-Saxon... -- I've always wondered why neo-Nazi's don't spell check. If I wanted to send hate-mail, I'd check my spelling and grammar so the hate-ee received a truly articulate taste of my hatefulness. I'm also curious about why he didn't incorporate other races into his hate-letter. Maybe he's not as Anglo-Saxon as he leads us to believe. Perhaps he's a hybrid of races and that's his dirty little secret. Pagarooney, is your mother Latin American? Asian? Iranian? You should be so lucky. Pagester why did you send something so cliche and predictable ...