music. guy. denial. fehatty.
thin music versus fat music some songs sound so much thinner than other songs. example: Holly Brook's song, "Still Love." this is a thin song. it makes a girl want to brood on the streets of manhattan with a hallow stomach in a belly revealing t-shirt at 6 am with a back drop of garbage trucks and cursing garbage men. whereas, miss shoulder pads and cinched at the ankles, jeans, alannah myles song, "black velvet," is a fat song. you want to stuff your gob with pots and pots of cheese, sour cream and ice cream, listening to that tune. it conjures bingey, purgey imagery. everyone has a guy there are certain things that everyone you ask in the free world has a guy for. example: you need computer work done, your carpets cleaned or that thing-a-ma-jig fixed, you ever notice how everyone seems to have a guy for that. he's always the cheapest and works the fastest. by the time you turn around 15 people later, your carpets are now hardwood floors and your in receipt...