
Some people love a paraaaahd. Me, I love a surprise. This is a surprise that will make all McCunt essay cuntestants very happy, I think. I hope. Wait, was that too flat? Let me jhush that sentence up. All McCunt essay cuntestants from October and September are getting a second chance to WIN a dozen Bojamacakes . Are you plotzing? Me, too. Miss Frannylish , September's cuntest winner is living proof of how fabulous Jintrinsique's cupcakes are. Just ask her . Here's the dish: 1) Starting today, Monday, October 20th, you have one more week to vote for each of October's essays. Leave your votes in comments, please. The winner will receive one dozen Bojamacakes. For Katie Schwartz: 3 Cunts and 3 New Words and a Curious Insight Into the Kind of Woman that May Trip John McCain's Trigger , written by Fredrick Schwartz of Hell's Leading Newspaper The Dis Brimstone . If you Listen Closely as you Read This, You can Hear me Reaching Hard to Create Three, I May Have Turn a ...