steve wants to know why I think evangelical christians are sickos
Steve on 7:48 PM Why are evangelical christians sickos? They have made the only sensible decision they could make. The have accepted the Bible as the inerrant Word of God and follow what it says. Jesus is at the centre of their lives so naturally it influences what they believe and how they behave. Somehow, secular liberals foisting their beliefs and opinions on others is Ok but any hint of a Christian expressing a view or supporting a policy which accord with his or hers moral principles is to be rooted out. Come on! Look at the plank in your own eye! oh steve, dear misguided steve. you want to know why evangelical christians are sickos? well, I'll tell you. you want governmental control so that you can define what is appropriate for my body, what I watch on television, what I read, and how I live my life. you do not support my civil liberties under the constitution. you want them rewritten and regulated by the bible. how dare you! a woman should have the right to terminate her pr...