what the fuck jewgirl?

I'm homesick today. I'm tired. I have nothing interesting or funny to say. I slept horribly last night. my dog vomited by my head this morning. great wake up call. so aromatic. really. truly disgusting. I owe beautiful beth and the simian stud meems. you know I love meems. still. I suck fat, greezy homeless ass for not doing it yet. I washed my car today. I cleaned my house. I just realized my neighbor from across the street tries to glance through my window to see my tits. I'm a lil' pissed about it actually. it was my sister's b-day on friday. happy birthday kerri berry. I'm retaining a shitload of water. I think I'm ovulating. I just want to watch lawr and ordah and do nothing. but, I can't. I want to sleep, but I can't do that either. I couldn't sport sleep for all the bagels in brooklyn. I haven't hit any of my favey blogs this weekend. I haven't hit my christian zealy blogs either. I haven't been online that much this weekend...