hate mail

I got my first piece of hate mail today from a broad we will call vd . here is what she said: You are one truly sad excuse for a human being. You can't be pro Jewish without being anti-Christian? I never really understood anti-Semitism until I ran into your blog. my response was: I am not anti-Christian at all. on the contrary. I’m anti-fundamentalism and anti-evangelical Christianity. They impose their agenda on “we the people”. Taking governmental action to further their religious agenda in this country is a travesty of our democracy and it is unacceptable. By the way, anti-Semitism is discrimination or prejudice against Jews, not Christians. You can look it up right here at Dictionary.com . after reading said hate mail, my dear crionaberry said that what vd was saying is that now she hates jews. if that is so, I completely missed it. or I didn't want to see it. the very idea that I might've contributed to or created a jew hater isn't something so easy to digest. in ...