Hate Mail or Hate Femail, You Decide

This morning, I woke up to this yummalicious mail in my box: "I am so sorry that I took the time to view your website. gruel and spew. thanks for nothing. However your site and others like it have kept the hate mongers of your ilk out of jail for at least a couple of months. Politially Ill" We're going to break this down first, to be sure we understand it. According to Dictionary.com, Gruel is A thin watery porridge, or Chiefly British Severe punishment. That said, maybe s/he meant to say that s/he spewed their gruel after reading my site, or that until January 20th, Bush should forego water boarding me, and hand me over to the British for another form of severe punishment. Thoughts? I couldn't find Politially on Dictionary.com. I hate to assume, but I'm almost positive s/he meant that s/he was politically ill after reading my "hate mongering" site. It's true that I dislike evangelicals, zealot fundamentalists in any form. I do celebrate religion and...