Lewchie's Meme of Regrets

Editor JDC of Astonishing Adventures Magazine has meemed me. WAIT. You've purchased the second copy of AAM, yes? You haven't?! Go, right now and get yourself a copy. It's SIGNED. Buy a copy and come back. Lewch created a personal meme called " 5 Things you regret and 5 things you don't ." You have to read his. It's so honest. Oy, that boy just doesn't hold back. I'm hoping he moves into some non-fiction action. Anywho. He tagged Writer Procrastinator , Madam Z , Ms. Guth , Dale and Jewgirl. Here's the dish: "You’ve just learned that tomorrow you will die at sunrise. Tell me the five things you regret and the five things you don’t regret." I actually try very hard not to have regrets. One of my favorite singers Beth Orton wrote this beautiful song called the Sweestest Decline . One of the lyrics is something that I repeat often and try to live by, "What are regrets? They're just lessons we haven't learned yet." Ka...