More Brilliant PoliQs, I'm Kvelling!

What a grand blogging day today was, just like yesterday. I was introduced to 4 new bloggers who answered the PoliQs flawlessly. My Saturday Evening Post is brilliance and sarcasm at it's finest. Pushing Fifty Gently 's POV from Canada was awesome. I'd love to see more people in other countries participate in the PoliQ. I am so looking forward to getting to know her delicious bloggy blog. Thailand Girl addressed concerns about foreign affairs with a slew of quotables. Little Merry Sunshine dished up fierce facts and a fast talkin' (writing) personality. A blog of note that we all know and love is Bubbsie's , who tossed out so many pearls of wisdom, I'm still reeling. Bubbsie is the author of Sprawling Ramshackle Compound and my good friend, a truly amazing mensch with a heart, and family spun of gold, answered from the exquisitely personal, to the brilliantly objective. Lots of important facts and links. Callbacks to the past and what middle class Americans on...