McMunt's Idea of Health Care Reform

During my silly little drive on the way to lunch today, I tuned into the ever fabulous NPR to listen in on the latest in the land of liberalism hoping to get informed in a Martha Stewarty kind of way. You know, like when you get more information than the human brain can process, but some crazy OCD freak can spit out as easily as Hillzilla breathing fire down Obama's backside. Okay, it seems that McMunt has this little health care plan for America that NO one is talking about, especially those crazy PUMA cunts who are still blathering about "She Won, She Won!" Cry. Me. A. Rivvah. please! Well my dears it seems that the plan is pretty stupid, go figure. Highlights for the uninformed: McMunt would change the "Tax Free" status of health coverage provided by employers and replace it with tax credits up to $2500 for individuals and $5000 for families. What does this mean? Well it means if your employer provides you with insurance you are now going to have to pay taxe...