
Showing posts from May 6, 2006


yes. that's what time it is... and what am I doing? blogging. it's such a great distraction. but, it's saturday night. I think I just hit BIG FAT LOSER status. I do have good reason to be home though. I think that's denial... I am trying to finish this fourth essay. I gotta get it done tomorrow and finish editing the other three. they gotta be ready to go by monday. period. period. period. not menstrual. anywho... eh. who cahes.

this week's keywords katie's blog is coming up on

strap on sherriff:: i've never written about police daddy's strapping cock or any other objects on. slutty names:: tride and true. it's a staple she's proud of. female sports writer:: fucking a hockey player HARDLY translates to writing about one. masturbate:: I think i'm touched woman chokes on steak:: katie's number one fear in life. measuring stallion cock:: did I write about that? St Cuthbert's Catholic High School cleavage:: you know, I think I'm flattered. kevin martin personal life:: someone had to write about him. david blaine:: so soon?

stupid people + reproduction = no no.

it is my wish that stupid people not be allowed to procreate, that it should be illegal. they should be exiled to stupid island for eternity. they are free to interact with each other and they are free to fuck. however, they will be forced to take sterility injections to assure the intelligent folk that precautions have been taken. should any dumb dame become pregnant for some dumb reason, her fetus is immediately aborted. i'm serious about this. i've given it a lot of thought. what do you say? are you with me? oh wait, now I feel so guilty! this is such a hitlereena proposition?! shame on me! thank you, nicoleo for the "+" "=" idea.