1. no leewee journal entry today. I'm most forlorn about it. no family pics to mock. no entry to dissect. how am I supposed to go into my week without her direction and guidance? what about me? what about my needs?! a busy excuse just won't cut it. you can't have a WEEKLY journal if you're going to journal at your convenience. it's self defeating. just call it, the leepee journal whenever I fucking feel like it . 2. must clean. house is utter chaos. not totally, but for me it's chaotic (how very twit and sledge of me). I could not be less in the mood for a cleanse fest. I need the clarity, so I'm going to do it. tomorrow night is laundry. I hate bringing clean clothes into a dirty house. it's fat. 3. two writing deadlines this week that I haven't even begun. I suck. I've been skipping around one and I need to just dive in, womb first. 4. trying to get hageen groomed. he's covered in mud and smells like wet grass and canine fur. I must admit,...