alphabet meemish

our beloved wp has tagged me for a meemish. if you haven't already, you have to read his alphabet meem . it's god damned funny. ps: another great read, inspired by our equally loved daleish , wp posted about his hair . have you read? run. read. hilar. A- Available or Single single by choice. available? not so much, but I will be soon! who's got wood? B- Best Friend my sister, izzy, katie, wellie pops C- Cake or Pie for a food addict, I can rationalize and celebrate both. each has a purpose, a time and a place. let's not take one and place its value above the other. that's cruel, insensitive and quite vile. D- Drink of Choice Coffee or lemonade mixed with iced tea. if I'm sick, hot tea. E- Essential Item my crack-n-berry. I really prefer not to be without it. F- Favorite Color red. ooh, I lah me some red, girl. G- Gummi Bears or Worms I'm a purist when it comes to candy, chocolate. I don't fuck around with gummi shit. I want it hard, fast and intens...