
Showing posts from June 19, 2008

Is A Made Girl A Wise Girl?

Oh, who the fuck am I kidding?! Guilt is my drug of choice. You know it and I know it. We would be nothing without each other. Peppered with shame, guilt blows heroin away, or so I'd like to assume. Moving the story along... Today has been the most surreal day of my life, I think. Surreal stirred and shaken on the rocks, that's how surreal my today has been. I woke up. I slept 8 hours straight, for me that's huge. Usually, I sleep 3-4 if I'm lucky. It was a heat-hot day. I was indoors for the most part, so it wasn't too overwhelming to deal with. The morning was busier than usual, lots of calls to make and e-stalks to respond to. I got a lot of writing done, very positive. Blood was drawn, thanks to my psychiatrist-daddy-of-doom. My best friend's dog, my dog's first best friend, died today. Nobody wants to be a member of the Dead Dog's Club. I'm sitting shiva for Jimmy, a sweet, loving, tender dog who had an incredible impact on everyone who met him....