Retard Revolution
Remember that post I wrote about the Special Olympics of Grocery Shopping ? I figgered you didn't, so hit the link and catch up. I know, I'm Snatcherella today. Deal. Or flee. This afternoon my sister and I hit our new grocery store because we banned the SOGS store. The manager was an assholic prick about the mentally challenged. After you tell a manager you see on a daily basis that they're stupid and offensive, better to stick to your guns and not give them your business, right? Right. I am here to say that there is an explosive retard revolution happening in the retail grocery industry in shlock angeles that I was not aware of. It's about fuckin' time if you ask me. The lines are longer. Bagging is a cooperative endeavor and if you're paying by credit or check card, you're gonna have to swipe twice on a good day, three on a bad day. Doable, honey. Do-a-ble. Walking into the store today was like going to a sports arena to watch The Norms vs. The Tards in ...