Where Palinoscopy Exemplifies Fucktardaree

My favorite line is "I'll try to find ya some, and bring em' to ya".

Wait, she was being facetious when she said she stands for democracy AND freedom, right? I mean, right?! Loved her response to the passport Q, "The way I have understood the world is through education." Her stupidity is surreal. "Putin, where's his head?" with a hand wave. Fab.

PS: Only three more days to vote for
Frannygirl's cuntalicious essay! Leave your vote in comments, please. Grazarella. Loving...


Anonymous said…
I think Putin's big head is floating over Alaska, or perhaps its a exorcized witch. I dunno, and I don't like g's and am all in favor of Sarah droppin' them everywhere. She's sumpthin ain't she?
Randal Graves said…
Who knew that NCLB stood for No Cunt Left Behind. Oops, wrong comment thread!
PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) _ Former Rhode Island Republican Sen. Lincoln Chafee has called vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin a "cocky wacko"...

Fran said…
Even right wing wacko in her own right, Kathleen Parker thinks that Palin needs to go...
off topic but I'd thought you'd like to know, another blogger has done a fantastic job in answering your political questions meme. His blog is called Color Sweet Tooth and you ought to check him out.
Cup said…
Palin gives vaginas a bad name.
Anonymous said…
I swear. She's like a parody of herself at this point.
DivaJood said…
Oh. I loved the passport answer: "I was not part of that culture where kids graduated college and their parents got them a passport and a backpack and said go travel. Noooooo. I worked."

Anonymous said…
You are just jealous because she is pretty and blond while you are just brunette and Jewish.
Sarah Palin is blond? Does that mean the carpet dosen't match the drapes? EW! I just got really grossed out thinking about that...ya know...
Freida Bee said…
I think she said as "Putin rears his head." She left the "ugly" out, but you could tell she thought it. That little hand motion was Alaskan sign language for witch... or warlock, as the case may be.
Anonymous said…
Stop watching that Jewish TV, Kathy.
All just lies.
Watch FOX News, don't be un-American!
Karen Zipdrive said…
She said the way she has understood the world is through education.
That must be why she attended five junior colleges before she selected that noted international think tank, the University of Idaho.
It's located in Moscow, Idaho, which in my opinion only amplifies her foreign relations credentials.
Anonymous said…
And now Ms. Moosemeat is apparently going to whore out her kid's wedding in a pathetic attempt to get her 15 mins. of undeserved fame back. Oy!
Katie Schwartz said…
Afeatheradrift, she is summit that's for dayyyymn shoi.
Katie Schwartz said…
Randal Graves, you are fucking sick. NO CUNT LEFT BEHIND. HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHA
Katie Schwartz said…
Border Explorer, shalom gorgeous, I did not know that! Good dish indeed. A lot of republicans are speaking out against Palin, especially after her latest interview with Katie Couric. She tanked big time.

She's a dumb ass- it's embarrassing, yo.
Katie Schwartz said…
Franny my love, thank you for the link. I am clicking over right now to read it. UNBELIEVABLE.
Katie Schwartz said…
Liberality, I am so glad you told me! I want to post all of them, so thank you much for the heads up. I will check that out and post about it.

Can't wait to read it.

Thank you, darlin'.
Katie Schwartz said…
Bethylicious, totally agreed. Bitch hijacked the pussy. The nerve.
Katie Schwartz said…
DivaD, totally agreed. She is! I wonder if she realizes that. Probably not.
Katie Schwartz said…
Oh, DivaJood, I fucking howled when she said that, too. Anyone I know who went abroad in college paid for it themselves by working.

Palin is a cunt from hell
Katie Schwartz said…
Fortunately, TravelingMan, you never have to fuck her. Aren't you relieved?!
Katie Schwartz said…
FreidaBee, you are so right. That hand wave while saying "Putin. Where's his head? Woo-hoo?" What does that even mean?!?!? SOMEBODY PLEASE TELL ME WHAT SHE MEANT?! DOES SHE EVEN KNOW?
Katie Schwartz said…
Oh, Kzip "international think tank, the University of Idaho" HILARIOUS. HAHAHAHA
Katie Schwartz said…
Ooh, HelenW, I responded to your last comment in the post before this one. oy, I'm so slow. I think I have a touch of Palintardarie today.
Anonymous said…
I didn't post on it *yet* but Earl posted a comment in the thread of the Tina Fey video! Go see! She really is going to whore out her kid for more political gain! You can't make this shit up!!
What? Did I miss something, I thought when she was doing that hand jesture that it was like those guys from "In Living Color" doing the "Two Snaps Up". Well she at least has the hair right...

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