
Showing posts from March 30, 2008

Firecrotch, But for Real!

This week menses commenced and the fire department came a knockin’—yes, in that order, but not to hose the aching, cramping, burning loins. They are two separate items. I spent a week in pre-menses hell and finally the dams broke Wednesday early in the afternoon. In fact, my sister and I began menstruating at the same exact time. She wouldn’t be amused that I’m sharing that bit of trivia, but she’ll forgive me. Happy Period, Katie and Kerri! Anyhochie… My sister and I met in front of our buildinks at 4ish so we could run a few errands. I walked out of my aptula and smelled/saw smoke, and lots of it wafting from the back of the building through the roof. Hmm, I thought. That’s curious. It smells like burnt popcorn, or does it smell like hair and I’m having a massive heart attack in 5, 4, 3, 2…?! I flew open the front door and asked Ker to come inside and tell me if she saw/smelled smoke, too. She walked in and winced, nauseated by the smell and gagging on the smoke. We still weren’t co...

Thank you, MonkeyMucker

Look what I got in the mail from MonkeyMucker this weekend, a vinty White Sox baseball card of Rusty Kuntz ! Menschy enough. Thank you, SimianStud, this is so damn sweet of you. You know I lah'me some vinty tchach. Aww, ya such a mensch.

Purim Hangover...VideoJew visits Chabad Party

VideoJew's Road to Recovery, ha!

Yo, Left Eye, WTF?!

Police: Forsyth Man Hit, Killed Girlfriend With Truck I know this is a total bubbsie post, so if Bubbalish wants to cross-post, please post . It's a postable I had to blog. Mark ran over his girlfriend with a half-ton truck and killed her, yet he was arrested for a DUI and out on bail for a mere $1,375? Uh-ha. I see. He whacked his girlfriend, would that be the "serious" felony charge they reference in the article? Or the DUI? Are you mothah fuckin' kiddin' me?! I find this deeply disturbing and appalling that a man who violently and deliberately murders his girlfriend is out on bail, and for under 2K. Okay, now onto the left eye. We all see it, it's not something one can miss. It's a rather expressive, Quasimotto wandering left eye. Can we all agree that it's a bit challenging on the peepers, that one might need a minute to take it in? Okay, great. Here's what I'm having difficulty with: He went and found himself a bird who loved him for...