Shalom loverdeedo's! I have dish, good dish, not shit dish, kick ass dish. All of you New and Jew Yawkahs are gonna love this. Last year, thanks to a wonderful event, the Pilcrow Lit Fest and the divine dame Amy Guth , I met Angela Gant , playwright and goddess. I absolutely love this dame soooo much. Ang spoke on many panels at Pilcrow. She and her writing partner, an equally fabulous and talented writer, Bill Bryan , held a staged reading at Pilcrow of their play, "The Body of Eva Peron" . Ah-fucking-mazing, took my wig off. This weekend, in New York City, one of Angela's plays is OPENING. Are you plotzarella? So am I! To find out more about Ms. Gant and her hilarsquared play " Three Dames Make a Queen ", scroll down and read the dish. Oh, and, we get discounts! I'm kvellarelling. Tell me about you, dahlink. I usually write socio-political absurdest comedies. I'd like to think I can change people while I make them laugh…when I say change I mean t...