anne coulter's cunt
last night during my daily vocab run, I hit jack ass jimmy's blog. via his blog, I clicked to a five minute video clip of anne coulter on hardball . not to be hack or anything, but the incendiary interview made me want face time with the cunt, to ask tough-goddess- christiane amanpour , questions. as luck would have it, I found her cunt's email address online, . within five minutes of clicking send, she emailed me back. guess she's not quite the busy beaver I thought she'd be. after a few emails back and forth, she granted me permission to interview her via instant messenger. she was very forthcoming. those of you who can't handle strong language are advised NOT TO read the interview. me: thank you so much for this interview. I really appreciate it. cunt: my pleasure! I always welcome an opportunity to speak my mind. people have a very negative image of me, of who they think I am. me: can you elaborate for us, please? cunt: like so many of my si...