Quick Pilcrow Update

Check out the vinty fab p ilcrows above. NOLA fundraising festival last night was BEAUTIFUL. I'm going to let Diva Guth tell you a bit about it. I have so much wonderful dish from the festival. I can't wait to share every word with you, and will do so on Monday. Bubbsie introduced me to (I hope I don't fuck this up) whiskey?! I got so drunk, first time in two-years and I think I'm hungover. What a riot. I also got to meet Youngest Daughter - adorable, sweet and lovely, and spent more time with Oldest Daughter - campy, too hip for words and adorable. I got to meet the famous Irish Ho last night-- I like her so much, she's one hell of a dame, that girl. Instant adoration. Looking forward to dishing with her more. Menses commenced yesterday. Today, there are a few more Pilcrow Panels , which you must attend if you can. I'm on the Classy Not Assey Panel. Tonight is the Chicago Literary Magazines' Fiction Editors Reading . That's the dish for now. I...