
Showing posts from May 26, 2006

louie jew update

so, haglette the hellnine is home! this pleases me to no end. of course he's miserable. I can't say that I blame the child. he has 15 staples on his left inner thigh and his leg looks like a giant turkey leg. poor kid. he's horizontal. I'm keeping him as high as a kite and hand feeding him chicken dripping in chicken juice. he's not drinking water. hey, $4,028 later, at least he's on the mend! when the billing chick said, we won't worry about the 36 cents, I raised my eyebrow like... then why mention it? you call this a financial break? thank god he's ok. that's all I care about. he's got a follow up appointment in two-weeks and his surgeon goddess assures me that in two months, he'll be back to his old self again! 95% capacity. how fabulous is that. go louie! go louie!

in the news today...

LINCOLN, Neb. (May 26) - A judge's decision to sentence a 5-foot-1 man to probation instead of prison for sexually assaulting a child has angered crime victim advocates who say the punishment sends the wrong message. well isn't that just fuckin grand?! so, he wouldn't survive in prison? pedophiles have never been released in the general prison population anyway. beleive it or not there is a code of ethics in lockdown. molesting and raping children hardly fit into acceptable crimes amongst the criminal set. 10-years of probation?! that is so fucked up. what's even worse is that the short people brigade is actually speaking out on behalf of this scumbag, shouting, "it's about time we were recognized." yeah, I'd want this to be my fight too! mini dumb ass bitches. WASHINGTON (May 26) - Staunch allies in a long, unpopular war, President Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair acknowledged making painful mistakes in Iraq. Bush said Thursday night he wish...