See that little handycon up there? Great. This lil baby appears below the word verification on blogger when you leave your comments. But, only if you have word verification in place. If you don't, no wheeliecon appears. The other day, I clicked the seated ambisextrous stick figure on wheels because I was curious. I turned up the volume on my lappy as a just in case and I was super glad I did. Remember those mix tape days when you'd record song after song over one tape, and the tape got so old, it played three songs at once? It sounded like zzp-zzeeep-jshuup-zzp-zzzmmm. Yeah, that's the wheeliecon sound. I'm trying to figure out how this benefits the blind. Blind people might want to comment, but can't. How the fuck do you plug in "zzp-zzeeep-jshuup-zzp-zzzmmm"?! I'm all twisted up about it. I think we should all eliminate word verification and kvetch to Google about it. This is what I feel. Are you with me? Other dish... Guthyroo sent me a fabulous Ka...