10 things meemish tags
you know that 10 things freak out post?! well, wp asked me to do a 10 things you need to know about katie post. if I'm gonna do this, so are YOU... see the list?! you better do it. we'll call this meem: "the 10 things about meemish that I really don't want to tell you but will because I'm a freak ." wp : I know you hate me right now riback : if you sigh in irritated fashion, mister mister, you know the consequences. I'm pms'ng sensu : I can hear the, you cuntsteinowitz from hell, pouring out of your mouth. politits : you're a spirited jewgirl and will have MUCH to say on the topic! bubs : come on... you gotta do it. mount joy : the shock value alone will be worth it and you haven't posted in a hundred years. johnny yenta : do it! evil spockowitz : you have to do it in third person. lewchers : anything less than sarcasm will not be accepted skirmish of wit : witty and clever always rules out. self help : throw me a bone, wouldjya?! daleish : ...