And The Winner of the September McCunt Essay Contest Is

The country is going to hell in a bushbag. We're all too stressed out to breathe and too busy not to. In the midst of all of this turmoil, we gotta have a little fun... news?!?! Sure, the debates tomorrow will be a scream and probably draw more viewers than the Superbowl. I am VERY proud to announce t he winner of the September McCunt Essay Contest.... Drumroll, please.... FRANNYLICIOUS ! CONGRATULATIONS, BUBBIE!! MAZEL TOV!! YAHOO!! YOU HAVE WON A DOZEN BOJAMACAKES BY the DIVINE Ms. JINTRINSIQUE , Pastry Chef, arteest and kick ass dame. This was a damn close race, I mean realllllllllllllllly close. If this were the presidential election, we'd be shvitsing like dawgs, pulling our hair out and panicking. I wish I could send Bojamacakes to everyone who took the time to contribute their brilliant, hilarious prose. You are all winners and divine peeps I adore, and am grateful to know. A million thank you's to JDC , ZipGirl , TravelingManRick and Frannygirl . -- Mister Mister...