You Kick Motha Fuckin Ass

My girl and dear friend, Frannylish and Kelso's Nuts , another true and dear friend, of one of my favorite reads The Daily Pitchfork , overly-generously awarded my blog with the Kick Ass Blogger award. How super menschy are they?! Seriously. From Frannygirl: Katie - my Jewgirl There is nothing else for me to say. She is the kickiest assiest broad of all. She put the gefilte in the fish, the matzoh in the ball and the mazel in the tov. I love her without reservation . From Kelso's Nuts: KATIE "JEWGIRL" SCHWARTZ of All The Way From Oy To Vey: Very funny and honest writer with New York neighborhood smarts, a slick Hollywood cynicism, a wry Northern English layer, and a personal-is-political feminism that everyone has to dig. Literate, literary and sexy . I know, right?! Plotzarella squared. I think they were under a guilt influence at the time. This list could easily exceed 50. If you look at my blogroll, you'll see that all of the bloggers I've posted are blogs...