A Bit More Dish
From Tiffalish of UnScene Chicago : " Show your opposition to this homophobic, bigoted, and mean-spirited bill to amend the Constitution " You need to read it and oppose it. To say it's offensive is a compliment. What year is it? Oh, right, 2008. In case you're worried about what God thinks, believe me, God created homosexuals and heterosexuals equally. It is about time America woman up and man up, and get with the God damned program. Astonishing Adventures Magazine is now officially in print and available on Amazon! Run. Read. Now. Mazel Tov, Lewch, Tim and Katherine. Excellent job, yo. This read is pulp heaven. When pitching yourself for a job raising someone else's children, you might not want to use an email address that reads: "leather" and "nanny" before @. Just a thought. Did you read about the Air force Chief that Resigned ? " Gates said his decision was based mainly on the damning conclusions of an internal report on the mistake...