So Much Dish So Little Time

Oy, so much to say. Ahhhkay-- my darling Virgo (love'ha), hooked me up with a menses link that seriously took my wig off today. You know what a menstrual maven I am. Metaformia, A Journal of Menstruation and Culture . When I logged on, it was love at first sight. I needed this today (thank you, Virg). Can I just tell you that Metaformia is a lip smackin' literary menses feast for the soul. There are articles, essays and poems. The poem I read today was so perfect. The blood we don't discuss, the blood that gets no love. Run. Read. Now: All Blood is Menstrual Blood by Judy Grahn . I started linkdating VeryHotJews today. Super Jewey noshables. Run. Read. Now. My father sent me a facebook friend request. It was sweet and funny in a new-millennium-dad-like-sort-of-way . My darling DrugNazi (love him), sent me a snippet of Christian dish (thank you, bubbie) that made no fuckin' sense to me and seems like very anti-zealy behavior. The Christian Nudist Convocation ( CNC ) ...