menses and dead dogs

**Images: current views** Mitigating circumstances have exacerbated the death of my son. Not to diminish the weight of his death or the impact it has had on my life. Regardless, I would be the mess I am today and in the Jewiest of mourning. Oh, how I pine. Big pineage. That said. Dr. P said, Katie, you have to start to build anew. Anew? What an odd and antiquated choice of words for " In a new and different way, form, or manner ." Fuck him. Though, he's right. I just don't want to agree with him. I wish I could chose not to. I can't. Channel your anger, your grief and your emptiness productively , my mother says. She's right, too. I write. I knit. I scream. I yell. I cry. I sweat. I walk. I stretch. Bupkas. Now, I am trying to blog. This week, I want to catch up on my favorite blogs and comment. (Bored yet? Disgusted with me yet? Me too.) Today, I decided to menstruate. Yes, Mountjoy , I am menstruating. My menses commenced late this morning. It felt like ...