thinking blogger award

our beloved drug nazi was bestowed the thinking blogger award by way of mother jones . both blogs are so deserving of this award. drug nazi's blog, your pharmacist may hate you , is a painfully honest, witty, clever and scary look into drug companies, medical insurance and what it's like working for a pharmacy. for most of us being bent over and fucked by the above, this is a great read! mother jones blog, nurse ratched's place is an equally fantastic read. mother is a nurse with years and years of experience. she recently started a go ask mother column that I encourage you to utilize. she writes about what it's like being a nurse, the bureaucracy and her commitment to invoke change. The recipient of this award must follow these rules: Acknowledge the origin of the meme/award If you are tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think Optional: Display the “Thinking Blogger Award” with a link to the post that you wrote using either the gold or silver ...