Katie Schwartz?

Once again it's time for keywords Katie Schwartz's blog is coming up on. God forbid my blog come up on my name Katie Schwartz , God forbid. Vintage Pussy - Again with the geriatric porn, oy. Big Vagina's - If we're talking about Coco's cavernous taco, sure. Otherwise, not so much. Palin - what? A fundamentalist incapable of running our country? Still believes abstinence education is the way to go? Won't talk to the media because she has nothing to speak about regarding policy? Palin is a cunterella? What? What? What? All The Way From Oy To Vey - Awww. That is the name of my blog. Banned from Craigslist - One of my posts years and years ago. Dirty Ass - Not my tuchas. I wipe thoroughly and shower daily. McCunt Pussy Eating Contest - McCunt ESSAY contest . Oy yoy yoy. Christian Domestic Discipline - One post three years ago. For the love... Craigslist Personal Asset Beauty - Huh?! Bristol is the Mother of Trig - I do believe that so hard . My Tits Weigh ...