Join the Planned Parenthood Action Fund!

Courtesy of my good friend, Bubbsie , he posted this article , Using Sarah Palin for Fundraising, Planned Parenthood Nets $760k in Donations in comments. I dragged my ass to the Planned Parenthood Action Fund to donate. You can donate as little as $5! If you missed it, read the Life begins at rape... just ask Sarah Palin yarn . HelenWheels just posted a kick ass yarn about "Mooselini's" shotgun wedding here . JDC just launched a poliblog here . And Frannygirl alerted us to this dish Sarah Palin's 1984 Miss Alaska Pageant Video, Swimsuit Competition . ((UPDATE)) Unrelated, but probably the most shocking thing I've read in a long time: by Keep it Trill Chasing HIV for Benefits . Run. Read. Now.