
Showing posts from August, 2007

dish galore

alicia keys new song... no one . heard it? it's a lil poppy, but I love ha. I think I have an eye inFUCKtion. my left ball and lower lid hurt like a mother bitch and the swelling --oy, don't ask. running to an eye specialist tomorrow to get the scoop. alls I can say, and I do mean alls , is that it better not be serious. you know when YOU KNOW you just can't go another round? like you seriously need five more minutes to catch your breath before you can. yeah. I'd say that's where this heeblette's at. what else? I wrote. pined for the kid. wrote about the kid. I'm still howling from the beauty queen thinking there's a state in the US called "Such As". I wish I was holding the microphone when she delivered that debacle. I would've laughed so hard, the tears would've been streaming down my face at 90 mph. my naybah's dawta had big Sapphic fun yesterday. while mother was away, she got her cat on IN the shower with another tweeny girl a...

Such As

Oh to be a Teen Queen. Diva South Carolina was asked the question: A fifth of Americans can't locate the US on a world map, why do you think this is ? You have to watch the video below for her full response. It's soooo decadent. Did you know there is a state in the US called "Such As" and another called "The Iraq". Oh, indeed, indeed. indeed. If Americans can locate these great states, the Americans can help South Amer iiii--I mean-- AFRICANS. It's brilliant. It's refreshing to see teens today taking Bushspeak so seriously.

Dead Dog's Club

Of course you're not interested in sharing your deathiest canine yarn, so you should. You need a place to commiserate, cry, laugh and bond. Come on by, beautiful babies. Submit pictures, stories. Whatever. Spin and Send . Oh, wait, you should visit the Dead Dog's Club first.

what's up is

The majority of my yesterday was spent pining for The Kid . I went outside and was overwhelmed by the gazillion happy, healthy, rambunctious dogs and dog owners that were out. Not a dead dog in sight, and yes, it pissed me off. I was angry that my dog wasn't part of the pack. The anger turned to sadness. I want him back. I'm still searching for the upside of death. I wrote. Writing more today. I'm so close to finishing these two particular essays that I need to finish. I think I'll clean. Oh, CBB. I'd like to have a social call with my sister and my mother. My stomach is bothering me today. I'm a kvetchy, whiny, cunting pain in my OWN ASS today and yours, too. Excited?! My neighbor fucked Bartholomew last night. I don't know what's more offensive, waking up in the middle of the night to, I'm Cumming, Bartholomew, I'm Cumming , or that he only fucks her once a week. The whole thing is just wrong. At the very least, give the man a nickname. She...


I'm always hungry and Cormac Brown has delivered one fierce mothah fuckin' nosh over at Powder Burn Flash... Hot Ice and Cold Blood . Run. Read. Now. Comment. Jew will love it.

Guthy's Jewcy

Fences . Run. Read. Now . Guthy's Fences is the perfect emotional boundary tune-up.

6S It

Diva MadameZ has got the Blues . Schwartzy's looking for an Exiled Christian Kid . Got any to spare?

Nosh on Guthy's Jewcy

Step Aside, Ego, There are Mitzvot To Be Done : Guthy 's pearls of the day are words to live by. Sink your teeth into this latke. Your mind, body and soul will thank you. Run . Read. Now. PS: Don't forget, tonight is The FIXX Reading Series in Chicago . Hit The Mouth for Details. Treat yourself to a literary feast. I love food.

It Matters

I have no sense of time. It's genetic. It's not a malfunction. It's something that's quite festive actually ... until it matters . It mattered tonight when I was talking to my mother and we were dishing about the kid . The abridged version is that even though I couldn't find his birth certificate (PS: you can bet your sweet ass, I will find it. I am one determined dame), I found evidence that he was born in 97', which means he was 10 , not 7. I had 10-years with my kid. 10 beautiful, perfect years. It's never enough time, ever. I would've loved more time. It'll never be enough time. I'd give up everything I have right now for more time with him. Knowing that he had 10-years matters to me. Knowing that we had 10-years matters to me. It gives me a sense of peace and relief. My son lived 10 glorious uninterrupted years on this planet and I have proof. I found his baby pictures. The day he was born. When he was 3 weeks old, 4 months, a year, 2 y...


Guthy 's Jewcy of the Day: Something To Think About Next Time You Feel Like A Complete Twit For Asking : Lean, bubbie, lean. Great life lessons. Run. Read. Now .

pre-jhush digs

post kid, semi-jhushed digs. front door. lr. hall into the kitch. see the red doors. behind the red doors is a fabu bed-room. that was the kid's favorite couch. he loved to sit and watch the world go by. I wish I had a picture of that, but I don't. I would love to berate myself for that. I think I'll save that for later. that will be my quality time for the day. I know the walls need a jhush. I know. the kid's view... hall. are you new? more hall. love halls. closet. every girl needs one... batchroom. as you can see there is a heating pad for the lower back. why? cramps galore, people. cramps galore. gaza strip is in full swing. kitchen. often where we dish. more kitchen. the final pic is... you guessed it, the kitchen. when I'm back in jhush mode, I'll post more pickys. until then, this is a jhush free zone and that's ok. do not forget to visit Guthy's Jewcy Post of the Day and Sensu's 60s Sex Yarn .

Run. Read. Now.

Amy Guth is blogging every day this week at Jewcy . As we approach the High Holidays, feast on Guthy's Introspective Jewey, and YES, universal nosh. Her first post, Get Confident, Stupid ! is a sumptuous and challenging post... Less is more . Cause and effect . Run. Read. Now . Loved it. Go. Ooh-Ooh comment, too. Al Sensu has written such an endearing and sexy essay about his first time called " My Slum Goddess " that is so divine. Run. Read. Now. You will love it. It takes place in The Village and it is soooooooo 60s, yo. Tell him how much you love it. Ga-head .

guthy's on jewcy

Super Jewey Beautiful Interview about Amy Guth on Jewcy . Run. Read. Now. Comment galore. Ah, such a smart, funny, delicious interview. Show your support. She's Guest Editing for a week!

menses and dead dogs ... yes again

drove by juice's patch. see. view from window. cried. still bleeding. lots. and. lots. and. lots.

menses and dead dogs

**Images: current views** Mitigating circumstances have exacerbated the death of my son. Not to diminish the weight of his death or the impact it has had on my life. Regardless, I would be the mess I am today and in the Jewiest of mourning. Oh, how I pine. Big pineage. That said. Dr. P said, Katie, you have to start to build anew. Anew? What an odd and antiquated choice of words for " In a new and different way, form, or manner ." Fuck him. Though, he's right. I just don't want to agree with him. I wish I could chose not to. I can't. Channel your anger, your grief and your emptiness productively , my mother says. She's right, too. I write. I knit. I scream. I yell. I cry. I sweat. I walk. I stretch. Bupkas. Now, I am trying to blog. This week, I want to catch up on my favorite blogs and comment. (Bored yet? Disgusted with me yet? Me too.) Today, I decided to menstruate. Yes, Mountjoy , I am menstruating. My menses commenced late this morning. It felt like ...

don't break up with me!

please don't break up with me. I need a bit more time. I am overcome by the kindness of those I've never met in person. the emails. the comments. the posts. the cards. the flowers. the time spent sharing your lives and your own stories of losing your beloved canine or feline children. you mean a lot to me and I am forever grateful. so, a bit more time, please? I will be back. no breaking up with fehatty, capisce?! thank you! you don't know how much you mean to me, dearies. you just don't know.

Rest in Peace My Sweet Sweet Louiejew

beautiful updates below... Louie Jew, Jewcifer, Hagamuffin, Shagamuffin, Buglette Wuglette, Super Bug, Dori, Shags and Shagaboombas , were my kid's nicknames. He joyously answered to all of the above. On August 1st, 2007, I put my beloved Shagamuffin to sleep. I am assured he did not suffer. That he felt relaxed and tired. He was a mess. He had abdominal sepsis. It came on fast, 24 hours and he was gone. They say he was not in pain. His spirit left and had been dwindling two-weeks prior to his departure. His eyes closed as effortlessly as they opened when he came into this world. I am grateful that I was there when he took his first breath and I was there when he took his last. He was my first dog. My first pet. My first born son. I don't know who I am without him or how I will exist on this earth without this child. He saved my life. He was my lifeline when I needed one. He was lovely, sweet, kind and good. He lived an abundant canine life, filled with great friendships, delic...

jewgirl has a broken heart

to find out what's up, hit earth diva mouth for details... capisce?!