Such As

Oh to be a Teen Queen. Diva South Carolina was asked the question: A fifth of Americans can't locate the US on a world map, why do you think this is?

You have to watch the video below for her full response. It's soooo decadent. Did you know there is a state in the US called "Such As" and another called "The Iraq". Oh, indeed, indeed. indeed. If Americans can locate these great states, the Americans can help South Ameriiii--I mean--AFRICANS. It's brilliant.

It's refreshing to see teens today taking Bushspeak so seriously.


Dale said…
Haha, Tanya read the subtitled one from I think Jacy's blog to me over the phone but there's nothing quite like seeing it. Funny and sad!
Cup said…
She makes me so proud to be a belle. Thank Gawd I ain't a blonde.
Mountjoy said…
You know, I never met women like this at my high school.

Eric Spitznagel said…
And the real tragedy is, she came in third place.

The mind boggles at what kind of pituitary cases lost out to South Carolina. Did they ramble on and on about the zombie menace, or claim that the Internets was invented by elves? How dumb do you have to be to lose out to this walking brain hemorrhage?
Eebie said…
Painfully embarassing. The angst knotted up in me and I couldn't watch it all at once.

My thoughts now are the same as Eric's and he said it very nicely, I defer to him.

I also think that I'll bet she knows about all the different types of make up and not just about foundations but the benefits of each one of the myriad of foundations. Same for blushes and eyeliners too. Everyone has got their talent.
She's a good example of why brothers should not have children with their sisters.
1000 thank yous, Shainamadelschnizzlette. This was truly the most amazing thing I've ever seen. Way more over the top than ANYTHING Stephen Colbert has ever done. Who could make this shit up?

South Africa? Brilliant. The dumbest Dutch teenager in the hickiest backwater of the Orange Free State has this girl beat by 20 IQ points as a conservative estimate. How many IQ points does a smart Jewish girl from Cape Town win by? 130 is Kelso's conservative estimate.
Madam Z said…
Y'all jes don't get it! She's PURTY! She don't hafta be smart!
South America? Same bet. I'll take the dumb teenager from Argentine cattle country and spot Miss South Carolina 20 points. I'll take the Harvard-bound Jewish mafia princess from Medellin and spot 130 points.
Anonymous said…
Katertot, you're just jealous.
Eric Spitznagel said…
Y'know, after watching this video far too many times, I think I'm starting to come around. She's right, there are some people out there in our nation who don't have maps. And we really should our education. If we don't build up our future for our children, who will? South Africa? The Iraq? Maybe if we weren't so mesmerized by her white teeth and glistening hair and spectacular boobs, we might actually learn a thing or two from ol' what's-her-name.

Seriously, we need to stop hatin' and start participatin'. Remember blondie's message of hope. Everywhere like such as, people. Everywhere like such as!
Hearing the audio to the this on the radio, almost made me crash the car when I tried to follow her train of logic and drive. Friends don't let friends listen to blondes while driving.

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