dish galore

alicia keys new song... no one. heard it? it's a lil poppy, but I love ha.

I think I have an eye inFUCKtion. my left ball and lower lid hurt like a mother bitch and the swelling --oy, don't ask. running to an eye specialist tomorrow to get the scoop. alls I can say, and I do mean alls, is that it better not be serious. you know when YOU KNOW you just can't go another round? like you seriously need five more minutes to catch your breath before you can. yeah. I'd say that's where this heeblette's at.

what else? I wrote. pined for the kid. wrote about the kid. I'm still howling from the beauty queen thinking there's a state in the US called "Such As". I wish I was holding the microphone when she delivered that debacle. I would've laughed so hard, the tears would've been streaming down my face at 90 mph.

my naybah's dawta had big Sapphic fun yesterday. while mother was away, she got her cat on IN the shower with another tweeny girl and boy. I now have leverage the next time she scowls at me and you know damn well I'm gonna use it. I think a very simple, listen missy, I know about your afternoon nosh in the shower, so if I were you, I'd back-the-fuck-off, should kill that scowling snatch. her mother thinks she's perfect. oh, what a tangled web we weave.

it's time for me to make myself horizontal. I'm seeing double. that's not festive. bye-bye now.


Thanks you sweet tiny microscopic baby Jesus, our Katie is back! Good to see you again my dear!
WTF? When I was a kid, we never went "wild."
Anonymous said…
Okay, must know how you found out about the shower-time 3some?? Could you see in the bathroom window or WHAT?
Anonymous said…
As Ignatius Reilly's mama would say, "You sure do got a hard row to hoe, baby."

What did you do in a past life to have all this crap fall on you all at once?

I too love Alicia. She tore it up at Live Earth. If you didn't see it, find videos. Worth it.
Cup said…
You jerk that 'hood into chaste shape, doll.

Keep us posted about those gorgeous orbs of yours.

Hush, WP; I meant her eyes.
Mountjoy said…
I'm thinking you might be able to rent rooms for spectators if your neighbours keep putting on such great shows. Between "I'm coming Bartholomew" and the watersports 3-some, you have a hell-large slice of the voyeur market covered.
Anonymous said…
Dale said…
Why aren't my neighbors like yours? I'm jealous. Hope your eyes don't go all Barbara Bush on us. Get better.
Al Sensu said…
From now on, I'm calling it "The Iraq."
Anonymous said…
You Yankees are kinda kinky, innit?

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