oh, the 50s

is this poster creepy or is it just me? what are they making? wannabe cupcakes. cruel. cruiel I say.


Anonymous said…
Extispicy more like!

Mom's cherry apron is hot though.
Joe said…
Better living through chemicals:

Mom's happy
Kids are happy
The pharmacist is happy

As long as dad's bourbon and newspaper is ready when he comes through the door, all is right with the world
Cup said…
Looks like one of those college parties they used to throw in Athens.

Not that I ever went to one, of course.
Dale said…
Cupcakes are crucial and so is Ecstasy. Quit hatin' Katie!
Amy Guth said…
OMG! So funny!
Ms Smack said…
Tried E twice, Loved it both times. Wouldn't try it again though. I'm chicken that if I try it again, I'd get a bad dose.
Katie Schwartz said…
which mom's hercules? a milfy ma?
Katie Schwartz said…
bubbsie, that's my mother's favorite saying, "better living through chemistry." are you two bonding offline?
Katie Schwartz said…
of course not, beth, you're a proper lady.
Katie Schwartz said…
ps: beth, I was the whore pulling a train at that fest. you might not remember my face, but I'm certain my vagina made a lasting impression.
Katie Schwartz said…
daleish, you're in my box! I'm so happy. you feel very rested.

I wonder if an x-laced cupcake would hit the spot. I'd at least need a cock back or a vibrator back to fully embrace the sitch.
Katie Schwartz said…
in college, I did a lot of experimental testing, too, honeygirl. cokearooney, shroomage, pot, pot and then more pot. I was never a druggie type. I always got nauseas after coming down from a high. jewey enough?!

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