today on coffee talk with blaire...

she's so insightful that blaire, isn't she?!
I think she's recounting her first sexual experience. sounds very full-body-orgasm.
I thought everybody was Baptist. My friends and relatives soon informed me that I had probably been inducted into a cult.
oh blaire, even us dirty jews? you thought we were baptist, too?
I hope I'm not boring you. If not, join me next time when I tell you about the church I attended after high school. I can't wait.
oh, I simply can't wait. my vulva lips are twitching like crickets in anticipation of more bible yarns from blaire.
one more thing, someone should really tell blaire that reenrolled isn't a word. I know it's super cunty of me to point that out after such a profound and moving journal entry. I so hate to ruin the moment, but I feel like it's something she really needs to know.
I'm also tagging blaire for a meme.
- did you lose your virginity to jesus?
- how old were you?
- was your hymen already broken from horseback riding (wink-wink)?
- did you bleed all over jesus' cock?
- did you cum?
- if you had an opportunity to alienate more countries on a global scale, which countries would they be?
- when someone isn't listening to you beating the word of god into them, what guilt methods do you use?
- how come you've never put together a hellhouse? it's super up your alley and could really help you terrify people, especially kids, right into jesus' arms. I really think you should consider it. just to be clear, not hollywood hellhouse. the real baptist hellhouse. I was in hollywood hellhouse and I can tell you it was a very hedonistic event.
- how come you married a fagellah?
- you wear the kitchiest printed theme outfits. I was wondering if you shop at the quacker factory on qvc.
well, I gotta go. I sure do hope you hit my blog and post a meme next week. we'd all love to know so much more about you, blaire. you're kind of mysterious and shy.