As Promised to September's McCunt Essayists

We announced the September McCunt essay contest winner, Frannygirl and the October McCunt essay winner, DrugMonkey.

As an added bonus, we are giving (love saying we, especially when we all fucking know we is just me) September's essayists one more shot at winning! That's right, beautiful babies, you have until this time next Tuesday to vote for the three following essays:

1) Sometimes I want to call Cindy McCain a Cunt, too by writer and renaissance man JDC of Democracy hypocrisy.

2) I am John McCunt and I approve this message by writer diva of Pulp Friction.

3) McMunt's Idea of Health Care Reform by writer and man of moxie squared, Rick of Traveling Man Rick.

Here's the deal, children, leave your votes in the comments section for each of the essays you are voting for. You have one week. Only new votes are counted, so get ta'steppin, yo!



Karen Zipdrive said…
I think the entry authors' names should be omitted prior to voting.
Even out the playing field, ya know?
Unknown said…
You want my cupcake! She's a socialist (it works for McCain)! Wait, does that mean she wants to spread the cupcake round? I'm confused now.

Do narcissistic POWs get more cupcakes?

Unknown said…
Okay, I'm voting for myself since the word is "mum" around here. I forgot to vote last time.


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