african babies

what I can't seem to get my head around is america's ability to embrace african babies and still find the time to shun black babies.
the color of their skin is the same, no? if I'm not mistaken they both bleed red. I suppose it's possible african babies have a softer red hue, but the similarities should be uncanny.
so, if someone could PLEASE EXPLAIN to me how it is fucking possible that we can live in a country that practices inequality, segregation and discrimination against black people yet manages to embrace african babies, I would really appreciate it.
oh, and while you're at it, make a pit stop in any predominantly black neighborhood, and of course justify why it is that a predominantly black neighborhood exists in america circa 2006 in the first place. and, also explain why poverty, violence, lack of education, and a complete and total disregard of their unalienable rights is the american way... that would be great.
better yet, make it easy on yourself. just read them the second paragraph of the declaration of independence and let them know that it doesn't translate.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
Why is it some days as a country we are working to prevent/stop AIDS in America, some days we are working to prevent/stop AIDS in Africa, and some days we couldn't give a rats' ass about anyone with AIDS?
There is no such phrase as 'for all intensive purposes', Katie.
It's 'for all intent and purpose'.
That's like fingernails down the blackboard of language for me.
Nice post by the way; what a lot of ridiculous fuss over one adoption when there are millions of other kids out there with a similar plight. Of course the whole adoption thing will be forgotten once the media tires of Madonna's heroics and finds something else to carp about...
no. it's not a color issue at all. agreed.
I simply find it ridiculous that adopting children falls into a "trendy" category. I can't get my head around it.
we are so on the same page my yiddish-a-madela!
ps::: thank you for the nickname! there just isn't a better nickname. it truly made my day. slutty cum guzzling whore doesn't even hold a candle to high cuntiness!
pps::: great last name. are we related ;)
please forgive me for my gross negligent oversight. it was the middle of the night. I realize that's no excuse for my ignorant behavior.
You missed the key point to all of these self-serving celebrity adoption crusades: it isn't about a baby. It's about an "african baby".
Sponsoring a "black" baby from the ghettos of Martha's Vineyard would only invite scorn and contempt from Madonna's peers who have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars being filmed flying to Africa to get their take-away toddlers - not to mention the lawsuits and separation issues when the "black" baby grows up and sees the life of crack addiction, and jail time he or she missed out on.
No, the "african baby" option is a much better road to take, not only being a coup in the society pages stakes, but also ensuring significant tax benefits for the "parents". And I use that term loosely, because let's all remember that these kids will grow up with Hispanic accents anyway: like Madonna or Angelina have more than about 7 1/2 minutes a day in their schedule to stop and play. It will be Consuella or Rosa who will do the real parenting, after all...
I'm a World Vision addict.
I've been collecting spades for 5 years now; got 5 of the little buggers...5 spades...I call them my flush.
You should see the latest one, she's so cute. From Haiti, braided pigtails...she loves playing with dolls (probably a witch over there).
Just about to take delivery of #6 from Costa Rica...