this week's keywords

katie schwartz :: good
vaginal bleeding :: just because a girl acknlowledges a menses here and there, doesn't make her a vaginal bleeding post centric ho. then again, according to my darling romius, "I get the red runs 16 times a month."
great breasts :: I'm sure they were shocked as hell to happen upon my massive waistlettes
hymen :: hymen?
katie :: even better
menstrual barbie :: now that's a menses search I can live with
born to fuck schwartz :: from the searcher's lips to god's ears
circumsized is best :: I never said that
clit removal :: I NEVER said that
curse words list :: I would get an a+++
fucking me so :: oh, how I do wish
I'm menstruating :: again with the menses
katie schwartz + jewish comedy :: who can argue with such a compliment?! news...
my panties are moist :: ok, but it's not like I'm incontinent
my tits weigh :: this is true. I've hoisted the twins on scales. they have weighed up to 10 lbers a pop
taught me how to suck :: again, can't argue with the truth. my bestie espy
torpedo tits :: sad. true.
vaccum pussy :: is that a modern day housewife?
Plus, they never stay or come back, sniff.
start posting your keywords.
ok, so that's pushy.
but, I'd like to see them!
so, do it.
please, wp?