
I just realized something. on december 30th, this blog will be a year old. do I get a prize? will google/blogger send me a chach? what do I get? the satisfaction of committing to something for a year? cause I'd really prefer something more tangible.


You get comments lost to the Internet, bad gateway timeouts and hours where you can't post because of "scheduled maintenance." Just like the rest of us and "you will like it, or else!"

So says the god that is Blogger!
Ms Smack said…
Congrats on your anniversary x
Unknown said…
happy almost anniversary!!!! i just love love love your blog and am so happy you started it! xoxoxoxoxo
Katie Schwartz said…
wp, that is so true. why do we bother with blogger? why? the back-end really sucks the ass of an old lady.
Katie Schwartz said…
thank you, my darling honey smack. it's so nice to see you! I loved, LOVED your posts this past week.
Katie Schwartz said…
thank you, crionaberry. you got me blogging. but for you, my bff4ahevah, I never would've blogged. thank you a million, dear friend.
Dale said…
You get eaten out. It happened to someone I know. Without an announcement even!
Al Sensu said…
I'll take you our to Pink's.
Katie Schwartz said…
that's rude. one should always announce a social call, especially for such deep dining.
Katie Schwartz said…
oooh. pinks. what's pinks? a pussy pitchin' joint or a hot dog stand?

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