collectible christmas light spam

what part of shitty market research did thomas KUNTcade miss when he sent me his little collectible christmas light spam?!

hi. jew. big fuckin jew. jewgirl jew. the jewiest of jews. with big fuckin tits. world wide web sized hips and jewergies to prove my super jeweyness.

thomas KUNTcade... SUCK MY (today wannabe male) DICK!


Mountjoy said…
Now, now Katie. Mr Kinkade obviously figures you might just have yourself some good ol' trailer trash christian folk friends, who you'd love to palm this rubbish off onto... Either that, or you made it onto Lisa Welchel's Christmas Gift register.
fingers said…
Just wait till you see their delicious selection of Passover hams, Katie...
Katie Schwartz said…
oh mount joy, do you think so? could it be that I am on lisa's christmas registry? oh, I do so hope you're right!
Katie Schwartz said…
fingers... pesach hams. nicely done. do you think they'll have a nice jew honey glaze?
"Kinkade?" Didn't he manage the Partridge Family? When's he going to do a "Warm Glow Menorrah?"
fingers said…
I don't know about the hams but I'll bet you have a nice one going on, Katie...
Katie Schwartz said…

you think so, fingers? if I do come back as a man in my next life, I'll be sure to send a missive!
fingers said…
You'd better send it now, Katie.
They say when you come back, you come back as a lesser life-form.
I'm a little worried this might be my last trip...

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