The Perfect American Family

I want to feel proud to be an American again. To me, the Obama family represents the best of America. He has got to win on Tuesday, November 4th. I kvell and get the chills every time I see pictures of them. Win, baby, win!


Anonymous said…
The Obama's are just freaking fakes.
There is no perfect family in America.

Anyway, the majority of Americans will never tell you that they won't vote for Obama until they can give a secret vote on tuesday.
They will vote for me.
You'll see.
Anonymous said…
Kind of like Kennedys without all the scandal, booze, bootlegging legacy and cloud of impending tragedy. I think someone commented before me but it's so nonsensical I can't make out the message. The White House needs some beautiful kids in it again and a beautiful intelligent first lady too. Enough of these incurious redneck dolts all ready. Bring on the real Americans.
Anonymous said…
Do you love the apostrophes above in Obama's I think they teach this as a way to write plural's in red states or maybe it's just common practice with imbecile's. Loving the language girlfriend.
Anonymous said…
I love the pictures I've seen of this family. They have real love. The McCains look restrained, forced... and FAKE.
Anonymous said…
What do you mean proud of your country again? You mean you're not proud when we're "lead" by an arrogant, ridiculous prick?

How very unAmerican of you. Michelle Bachmann just fired off a memo to some media organization to investigate you!
Katie Schwartz said…
EXACTLY, Rastamick!

Grazie, RM.
Katie Schwartz said…
HW, They do look so in love and I feel they genuinely like and respect each other.

The McCunts hate each other. You just know that WHEN John loses the election, Cindy's ditching the bitch.
Katie Schwartz said…
Oh, wait, HW, AFTER she berates him and calls him a pussy boy loser with mini arms who couldn't finger his way into a v-gasm if his life was depending on it.
Katie Schwartz said…
I love you, DCup. Flawless response.
Anonymous said…
The McPains do the barely touching WASP hug. 'nough said.
Katie Schwartz said…
ewww, it's so true, HW. The McPains are so pearled onions in cream.
Karen Zipdrive said…
Now THAT's a pretty family.

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