Is This Cunty?

If I was paying for an opinion, I'd fill out a survey or log into a Dr. Phil forum, or ask a friend.
When I check-out at a store, all I want to be asked is, cash, credit or check?
"Should you really be buying pretzels", wholey Foods clerkcunt asks. Between us, Glutino Pretzels are gluten/vegan free noshies ta'die for, and one of the greatest organic, diet worthy, health conscious foods created. Not to be eaten every day, but if you want to feel like you're having a real snack on a Saturday afternoon or whenever, they're delish.
Back to clerkcunt. "How is the food I buy any of your business?" I asked. "I see you in here a lot and you always buy fresh veggies and fruit. I assumed you were on a diet. Why sabotage yourself?"
I walked right over to a manager and said, "Your clerk is stalking me." After explaining what happened, he apologized. We walked back over to clerkcunt. The manager said "Apologize to our customer. Customers buy whatever they want. If she wants to make bad food choices, that's her responsibility, not ours."
"YOU CALL THAT AN APOLOGY?!" I screamed. "You and your fucking store clerk can suck my ovaries, lick the urine from the folds of my labia and rim my pre-showered asshole." (It was 7AM, it seemed like a logical response.)
They offered to give me my groceries for free. In this economy, I should've accepted. Instead, I chose never to go back to that Whole Foods again. I've banned how many WF's now? The shame.
Maybe I'm overly sensitivo at my current weight. I really don't know. Here's how I feel about the matter: Fuck their eyeballs with salty cum. Spiders should screw each other's brains out inside their nostrils and line their sinuses with spidey babyballs before exiting. They should shit slugs, worms and scabies.
The scent wafting from scented candles gets stuck in your neck if you burn while sleeping. So gross. Never burning a scented candle again, Illume or other. Not. Going. To. Happen.
Space trash the size of a refrigerator is careening towards earth and scheduled to arrive in the Earth's atmosphere late Sunday. A year and a half ago, an astronaut tossed it overboard.
"NASA and the U.S. Space Surveillance Network are tracking the object - a 1,400-pound tank of toxic ammonia coolant thrown from the International Space Station - to make sure it does not endanger people on Earth. Exactly where the tank will inevitably fall is currently unknown, though it is expected to re-enter Earth's atmosphere Sunday afternoon or later that evening, NASA officials said." Let me make sure I understand this. A toxic ammonia coolant is watching the object speed towards earth to make sure it doesn't endanger us, but they are clueless about where it's going to land. Ah, now I get it. Right. Makes perfect sense. Moving along.
"This has got a very low likelihood that anybody will be impacted by it," said Mike Suffredini, NASA's space station program manager, in an interview. "But still, it is a large object and pieces will enter and we just need to be cautious. If anybody found a piece of anything on the ground Monday morning, I would hope they wouldn't get too close to it," Suffredini said. Suffredini, are you fucktarded? Did you miss Creepshow?
"As a matter of course, we don't throw things overboard haphazardly," Suffredini said. "We have a policy that has certain criteria we have to meet before you can throw something overboard." Really? You sure about that? Cause it sounds a whole lot like toxic ammonia coolant is a no-no and shouldn't have been discarded. "Oops." Isn't really going to cut it, sweetie.
My sister made a great point about Halloween. She went trick-or-treating with friends and their loin fruit. She said, "We teach our kids never to talk to talk to strangers or eat candy from a stranger, or enter their residence. On Halloween, we take them out to do that very thing. So weird."
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Fuck em.
I did like how you shifted, seemingly without effort, from the Whole Foods-induced rage to space junk and Halloween. Well done!
Geez that's just un-fucking-believable and very insulting and very unacceptable.
I agree with Dr. Monkey, they deserved to wear those free groceries.
Uh, like you said with the salty stuff.
Imagine, if the things falls through the atmosphere and lands near Palin's traveling road show, she'll think it's a sign from god that she will be president.
Will she run out and touch it?
Oh my god, he said that? Un-fucking-believable.
With space crap hurtling towards our heads and crappy verbage coming at us at a 7AM grocery stop, it's no small feat how you keep us laughing, Katie. Lovin' you hard!
I am speechless now.
And Helenwheels shops at Nature Mart? On Hillhurst? My old hood????
The smart move would've been to accept the groceries and give them to a homeless person.
Damn it, Schwartz. Think it through next time.
I went to the Whole Foods in Beverly Hills. I broke up with the WF on 3rd and Fairfax.
You get it with tellers? What an ass pain. Sorry, doll.
Thanks, doll.
What is this Nature Mart and why don't I know about it.
Funny, I have been to that WF on 3rd and Fairfax when visiting your fair city. It was on my way back from Canter's Deli. Damn I wish you weren't out of town that week. I blame Guth.
So here's the thing: it makes total sense that this Holy Foods is in Beverly Hills-the land of image and snootiness. I'd say you handled yourself pretty well.
The Texas Whole Foods stores have nice clerks who don't editorialize on my groceries.
You should write to the CEO in Austin. He'd frown on such boorishness.
Once again, we disagree. The CEO of Whole Foods would LOVE such boorishness. ALTRIA sells cigarettes. McDONALD's franchises fast food restaurants of questionable nutrional value around the world. COCA-COLA franchises bottlers worldwide and sells them the syrup mixture needed to make the none-too-healthy soft drink. BOAR'S HEAD PROVISIONS sells cured meats, high in salt, fat and nitrates.
All of those companies are pretty model corporate citizens in all respects when compared with WHOLE FOODS: labor practices, minority hiring and/or franchising, granting of benefits to same gender partners of employees, etc.
But it is in the area of labor practices where the HOME OF THE $6 RADISH really shines. Please don't believe me. Do your own research. Start with what happened in Madison, WI, to some WF employees who wanted to organize and join the Teamsters. Find out what has happened in each of their profitable years when the RESOLUTELY NON UNION WholePaycheck refused to live up to their agreement to make all employees "partners".
ALTRIA, McDONALD'S, COCA-COLA, and BOAR'S HEAD will survive the recession. WHOLE FOODS is not likely to. OK, it's organic food and headquatered in Austin. ALTRIA's head-quartered in some redneckville in VA. McDONALD's is head-quarted in Oakbrook, IL. COCA-COLA is headquarted in Atlanta. And Boar's Head is headquarted in Brooklyn, NY. All that means is that WHOLE FOODS is in a college town and the others aren't.
If I could guarantee that WHOLE FOODS would go under, I'd start smoking Marlboros, I think. Luckily, I won't have to smoke. WHOLE FOODS will be bankrupt before the first of the OBAMA-BIDEN 2012 signs are printed up.