Dish and That

Today's finds at our local vintage market were a steal! A 1930s lamp that works, for -- wait for it -- $10! I'm plotzing. Love it hard. The vinty Hull vase below, I scored for $5, that I'm selling on e-bay asssapy.
Sunday marks the last day to vote for Mister Mister's hilarsquared essay for October's McCunt essay contest. Tomorrow I'm posting a brand spankin' new essay from the one and only DrugMonkey. I have one more space left in October, so if anyone wants to enter, go for it! The winner will receive a dozen Bojamacakes from pastry chef Jintrinsique.
We had three more kick ass PoliQ entries from Rhchatlienblog, TellingSecrets and ColorSweetTooth (thank you, beautiful babies). I'll be posting recaps and links to their outstanding answers on Tuesday.
Off to catch up on my blog readin'. I've decided to Palinize my Palinabulary.
- Johnny Mac
When I lived in LA I went to the Rose Bowl Swap meet almost every month and found some real bargains on great stuff. And that is probably one of the less bargain-y ones. Of course this was 10 years ago...
LA is a treasure trove of vintage items, like nowhere else I have seen.
There also used to be a great swap meet at the high school at the corner of Fairfax and Melrose.
Plus lots of kitschalicious shops, but almost all too pricey.
Damn, so you're witty, sarcastic and have great taste!